Tuesday, June 30, 2015

STPM Aliran sains

Damn my last post was too panthetic, pity me duh.
That time i was in 'mood swing' condition, yeah you know girl.
I really have problem to control myself during that time 😁

Ok sebab masa aku buat pilihan nak masuk form 6 aliran sains aku buat blog walking untuk nak prepare myself, then memang banyak post jumpa cakap aliran sains form 6 susah. So ni information kalau ada yg buka blog aku nak cari info pasal form6 aliran sains.

Truly aku masuk situ seminggu then i could not adapt. Actually i think aliran sains hanyalah sesuai untuk budak A+ addmath SPM. Memang ada orang kata, alah spm dah tak penting bila naik stpm, form 6, blabla pala otak mung. Not for aliran sains stpm. Mathematics(T) susah. Aku ada masalah dimana sekolah tu had a lot of chinese teachers and students. So aku tak pernah blajar dgn ckgu chinese so aku susah nk tangkap apa yg dia ckap. Chemistry and Biology was ok. I can score in the short test what so ever. I study really hard that week and at the end of the week i realise yg tu bukan kemampuan aku. Aku bukan jenis study mcm tu smpai tak pduli org. Stiap mlm nangis beb.
Then aku boleh faham apa cikgu math tu ajar dalam kelas. Tapi bila nk buat kerja or latihan kat rumah sapa nak ajar aku? Huuuuuuu.
Kat sini ada problem lagi apabila most of yang ambik aliran sains cina so pusat tuisyen for stpm subjek diorg diajar dalam bahasa cina maa. Aku dah la masuk lmbat sebulan, sebab tolak matrik kan ngee. So sekarang tinggal
2 org melayu dalam kelas tu and inshaAllah i will update about them soon sbb kalau diorg berjaya, can score, aliran sains stpm bukan masalah dah untuk pelajar melayu. Sebab ada cikgu tu cakap, result budak2 melayu and india yg ambik aliran sains stpm paling tinggi pun 2.0 lebih2. Kau nak masuk mana mcm tu? 😭😭
Sbb tu jgk la aku down haha.

Alhamdulillah im not that kind of obsessed with any dream job tu, kalau tu berat hati sikit la nak tukar aliran. Tapi ada dream job aku tak tercapai and aku tak tahu macam mana nak capai. Aku nak jadi pramugari

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Get rid of Aliya

Now, i feel like i am the most useless woman in the world.
People, stop adoring me.
Stop saying i love you.
I didnt deserve that. Aku bukan perasan ramai orang suka aku blablabla. Tak, post kali ni bukan tujuan macam tu.
Post kali ni nak bgthu tntang someone yg tak layak untuk bersama sesiapa sbb dia terlalu tak sempurna. Dia macam someone yg takde masa depan sekarang. Mana layak dia nak bergandingan dengan kawan2 lain yang hebat2, bakal engineer, bakal doktor, bakal accountant. Dia tak boleh buat pilihan untuk tentukan masa hadapan dia apatah lagi nak tentukan pasangan hidup yang akan bersama sehidup semati. Dia taknak kahwin. Biarlah jadi andartu jaga mama. Tu je yg dia layak. Bersama mama pun sbb nak balas segala jasa mama yg tak mampu dibalas tu. Macam2 mama dia tolong dia, usaha nak berjaya but she cant do anything. I feel so bad right now. Every night i sleep with tears. I tell Allah everyday about my feeling. I ask for Allah help.  I ask Allah to lend me the power to be strong. I didnt tell anyone my problems. I dont want to ask simpaty. Then, people have many things to do rather than care about me. I fail to make my mama and ayah proud. The most worst feeling ever. The reason i cry everyday. Im very useless. I didnt deserve anyone to live with. Find a better life partner. I didnt deserve to have friend like syira n hajar. I love them so much but i dont know. I am too bad to be compare with them. I didnt have nothing right now. My life ruined by myself. I couldnt manage my life.
To person that hate me contohnya hazim, you should be yeay. The person you hate already have nothing. So please stop hating me. I didnt have nothing. I didnt have future. You should be glad we r already break up because you pernah ada partner yang boleh dikatakan the worst partner ever.
Person who read this, please pray to Allah for me. Pray to Allah, panjangkan umur mama. I didnt have other person to live with. Maybe i cant shower her with money, but i want to take care her with my best. Crying over again. Nothing else to do. You not feel what myself feel. My feeling like, i am nobody. The person shouldnt be remember, shouldnt be love. I didnt deserve. Mama, aliya banyak silap. Tak ikut cakap mama. Degil. Tapi aliya sayang mama sangat. Betul sayabg sangat. Im only want to be with mama. Please dont hate me. Please love me.